Om konservatismens familjepolitik
Ukrainsk-amerikanska Slava i Chicago, med användarnamnet @ukr_socialist på X (bilden nedan hämtad därifrån), är en av förbindelselänkarna mellan nya ACP (American Conservative Party) och ävenledes ganska nya CPGB-ML (Conservative Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)). I likhet med Carlos Garrido, ACP:s utbildningsansvarige, har hon medverkat på Alexander Mckays kanal, och hon kommenterar hela tiden flitigt och kunnigt i hans chatt.
Slava beskriver sig som “Wife, Mother, Ukrainian American, ML, ACP”. De senaste dagarna har hon berättat mer om sig själv och sin konservatism:
“ACP is often criticized for the lack of female representation in the party. But who told you that women are craving to rule or lead? We are better at taking care of our children, the elderly, and our communities. We are nurturers by default. Of course, there are exceptions, but generally speaking, women want to be protected by physically stronger men, and there is nothing wrong with that. There are enough women in leadership and membership of the ACP. I have met many amazing ladies at our first convention in Chicago last weekend. Proud to be working alongside them and many amazing male comrades as well!”
“So, according to our critics, women must strive to lead because men can’t understand or represent women properly. Well, guess what? Women who skip family building and motherhood and jump straight into leadership ALSO can’t understand or represent the majority of women. Only those who experience the struggles of pregnancy and maternity can relate to the masses, see where the government fails, and try to address these issues.”
“I am in a leadership position of the party which means I represent interests of the working class women. And I am holding this position not as a diversity hire but based on merit. I’ve embraced the reality, had children and experienced what it means to be a woman in a capitalist society. Now I can serve better using my experiences. And I encourage young women to not get brainwashed by bourgeois feminism, hate men and become childfree cat ladies. It’s not going to serve them well in the long run.”
“Reasons I was called a fascist in the last 24 hours:
– Being feminine/a real woman
– Having children and enjoying motherhood
– Loving to cook healthy, scratch-made meals
– Not fighting with men for power
– Encouraging other women to abandon capitalist feminism, etc.
Yes, I am a traditional woman, and I am a communist – just like millions of Soviet women were. Being traditional doesn’t contradict a revolutionary spirit. In fact, being a mother motivates me to fight harder for the future of my children!”
“In the last couple of days, I was told that there are only two choices for women: to be a trad wife/family-oriented or a girl boss independent lady who can lead and rule. But I believe there is a third option! You can be both! But how can one be family-oriented and dedicated to the party at the same time? It’s not an easy task; it requires intentional effort to create boundaries that allow for quality time with loved ones while also fulfilling commitments to the party. Embracing this balance not only strengthens our resolve but also enriches our perspectives, ultimately enhancing our contributions to both the party and the community. In both spheres, finding harmony fuels our passion and purpose.”
ACP:s styrelsemedlem, brottaren Eddie Liger Smith, kommenterar:
“Based! We are proud to have you as a member and we accept & embrace your cultural values fully! Just as we are tolerant of those who have different family values in our party. The fascist American left claims to be the most tolerant but they have no tolerance for traditional family values.”