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My book The Worldview of Personalism: Origins and Early Development was published by Oxford University Press in 2006.


The Pluralist


The Pluralist, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2008, is devoted to my book The Worldview of Personalism. It contains an introduction by the editor and five essays on the book, each followed by a reply from me.


Book Chapters


‘The Moral, Social and Political Philosophy of British Personal Idealism’ in William Sweet, ed., The Moral, Social and Political Philosophy of the British Idealists (Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2009). 


‘Idealism and the Pantheistic Revolution: The “Big Picture” and Why it is Needed’, in James Connelly and Stamatoula Panagakou, eds, Anglo-American Idealism: Thinkers and Ideas (Oxford, Bern etc.: Peter Lang, 2010).


‘Begreppet senidealism’, i Anders Burman och Rebecka Lettevall, eds, Tysk idealism (Stockholm: Axl Books, 2014).

‘Vulgar Romanticism and Prog Rock’, in Jared Kemling and Randall E. Auxier, edsQueen and Philosophy: Guaranteed to Blow Your Mind (Chicago: Open Universe, 2023).




My scholarly articles have appeared in Humanitas, Appraisal, Ugglan (Lund Studies in the History of Science and Ideas), and the ISKCON Studies Journal. Other articles have been published in, for instance, Axess, ContextusSvenska Dagbladet, Kristdemokraten, Svensk Linje, Hjärnstorm, and Svensk Tidskrift.


Encyclopedia Articles


Encyclopedia articles have appeared in The Dictionary of Nineteenth Century British Philosophers, The Biographical Encyclopedia of British Idealism, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and Springer’s Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions.


Festschrift Contributions


Festschrift contributions have been published in Jonas De Geer, ed., Vänbok till Tage Lindbom (Skellefteå: Norma, 2009), and Gunnar Broberg, Jonas Hansson, and Elisabeth Mansén, eds, Filosofiska citat: Festskrift till Svante Nordin (Stockholm: Atlantis, 2006)


Reviews and Review Articles


Scholarly reviews and review articles can be found in Humanitas, AppraisalBradley Studies, History of European Ideas, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, and Lychnos. Other reviews and review articles have appeared in, for instance, Contextus, Svenska Dagbladet, Svensk Tidskrift, and Marknadsekonomisk Tidskrift (subsequently Smedjan).




My Swedish translation of and introduction to Eric Voegelin’s Wissenschaft, Politik und GnosisVetenskap, politik och gnosticism, was published by Prisma in 2001.

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