20 jan. 2014
Alf Ahlberg: Caliban, 2
Alf Ahlberg: Caliban, 1 Caliban och Ariel har följt den mänskliga kulturen tiderna igenom. Varhelst och närhelst stora tankar har fötts,...
19 jan. 2014
Alf Ahlberg: Caliban, 1
I mina texter i kategorierna Idealism, Personalism och Value-Centered Historicism har jag uppehållit mig mycket vid romantiken och de...
8 jan. 2014
Irving Babbitt: What Is Humanism? 4
What Is Humanism? (My introduction) 1 2 3 We may perhaps venture to sum up the results of our search for a definition of humanism. We...
7 jan. 2014
Irving Babbitt: What Is Humanism? 3
What Is Humanism? (My introduction) 1 2 We should of course remember that though we have been talking of ancient humanism and humanists,...
6 jan. 2014
Irving Babbitt: What Is Humanism? 2
What Is Humanism? (My introduction) 1 The first step in our quest would seem to be to go back to the Latin words (humanus, humanitas)...