15 okt. 2011
Idealism and the Renewal of Humanistic Philosophy, 1
In several publications and conference presentations I have tried to point to the historical connection of modern idealism with the...
16 sep. 2011
27 aug. 2011
Idealism as Alternative Modernity, 1
I plan to post my presentation at the Empire of Idealism conference in Prato, Italy, last year. When I submitted the following abstract,...
4 aug. 2011
Alf Ahlberg
Alf Ahlberg (1892-1979) är mest känd för sin gärning som historiskt djupt förankrad, frihetligt demokratisk folkbildare vid Brunnsviks...
15 apr. 2011
New Article
new issue of the philosophical journal The Pluralist. It is a reply to Ferreira’s article ‘On the Imperviousness of Persons: A Reply to...