30 aug. 2017
Anders Bergman: Humanismens födelse
Dialogos, 2016 Förlagets presentation: I övergången från medeltid till modern tid spelade de italienska renässanshumanisterna en...

17 juli 2017
Ryszard Legutko: The Demon in Democracy
Totalitarian Temptations in Free Societies Encounter Books, 2016 (go buy at encounterbooks.com) Publisher’s Presentation: In The Demon in...

6 maj 2017
Paul Brunton: The Spiritual Crisis of Man
Rider, 1970 (1952) Back Cover: During a successful career in journalism, he developed an interest in comparative religion, mysticism and...

5 maj 2017
David Boucher & Andrew Vincent: British Idealism and Political Theory
Edinburgh University Press, 2000 Back Cover: “A first-rate contribution to contemporary scholarship on the British Idealists…What makes...

20 apr. 2017
Michael Lüders: Die den Sturm ernten
Wie der Westen Syrien ins Chaos stürzte C. H. Beck, 2017 Kurzbeschreibung: Anhand von freigegebenen Geheimdienstdokumenten und geleakten...